Rock Star Dogs: Susanna Hoffs

I kind of assumed I would find many a snap of Ms Hoffs with a pup, but it was not to be. This one was shared to celebrate National Dog Day, which I didn’t even know was a thing.

The Bangles are remembered for a few massive 1980s mainstream pop hits but they came out of the punk-adjacent, 1960s drenched L.A. Paisley Underground scene that also included such bands as The Dream Syndicate, Rain Parade, and Green On Red. Besides The Bangles the other band to really breakthrough with the style was Mazzy Star in the mid 1990s.

The Bangles were the peppiest, and most Beatles and British Invasion influenced of these Paisley Underground bands. As a harmony-rich guitar combo they come out best on their winning 1982 E.P and their first full length LP. After that they got retooled for the big time and while I am sure they are very glad they did their successful marketplace makeover they later returned to their original iteration as a guitar band.

Here is a video of them playing a neat original tune from their 1982 E.P.

Susanna Hoffs grew up in Hollywood and was bestie’s with Ben Gazzara’s daughter. If I remember correctly, she and Liz Gazzara spent their childhoods listening to records and making martinis for B.G., John Cassavetes, and Peter Falk while this genius actor trio smoked cigarettes and played pool. Doing this has to have been THE BEST! That type of childhood followed by rock stardom may suggest future tragedy but maybe growing up seeing famous people as regular folks kept Hoffs grounded. She seems to have weathered the decades well and is now a respected novelist. Here is a rave review from the NYTs of her first book.

Hoffs also makes an appearance in this retrospective on Matthew Sweet’s modern Power Pop classic Girlfriend.

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